In this section, you will be able to see video demonstrations of each project that I have created. Supplementary resources and a comprehensive, written step-by-step guide can be located in my GitHub repository.
How to Deploy React App on AWS S3 and CloudFront
How to build Docker based Flask app with Aurora Serverless
Add a CI/CD pipeline to an Amazon S3 bucket
Host a dedicated Jenkins server on Amazon EC2
Creating a bash script in AWS
Cyber attacks demonstration using Azure Sentinel SIEM
REST API with Node.js and Express Project
AWS Database Migration
Nessus Essentials: Basic Scan
Nessus: Remediation
Nessus Essentials: Credential Scan
Implementing AWS and On premises hybrid DNS
Creating Docker image
Implementing serverless application using web identity federation
Implementing AWS Client VPN
Creating a resume website using Azure
Event driven serverless image application
AWS serverless reminder application
How to deploy a website on multiple EC2 instances using Ansible